Friday, September 11, 2009

Give us this day...

Isn’t it funny how we sometimes forget certain things or events in life that are so important? It’s like we are subconsciously trying to wipe it from our memories as having not happened. For example, many people who are involved in horrendous car accidents and survive, seldom remember the actual event. It is like our minds hide it from us, to protect us from the devastating memories and to shield us from the pain be it perceived or real.

Something like that happened to me today. I was finishing up my Blog entry by reading it to Lise, who is my strongest critic. We were both chuckling at some of my thoughts because Lise knows how my mind tracks and what I consider to be humorous. Luckily, I have been able to teach Lise how to see the same twisted humor from time to time without feeling a terrible guilt. I was just about to post it when I saw the date that my computer had set up in the corner of the page and realized that today was not the day for humor or sarcasm. Today was not going to be a day that I comment on anything. Today was a day for sorrow and prayer.

I had forgotten that it was September 11th and what had happened 8 years ago in New York, Washington, DC and a pasture in Pennsylvania. I had forgotten how I stood in my office watching something unfold that both shocked and angered me. I had forgotten the tears of people around me, both women and men who also were realizing what was happening. The “why” didn’t matter at that point and, to some degree, still doesn’t. What we saw was terrifying, horrifying and unnecessary.

In the end, it accomplished absolutely nothing. If it was meant to punish, it didn’t. If it was meant to sow fear in our hearts, it did the opposite. If it was a pay back, they have suffered tenfold since that horrifying day.

All I can say is that maybe today we need to tell our friends how much we appreciate them. Not that we shouldn’t do it all the time but, maybe on this day, we should thank them for just being there.

We should also appreciate, every day, that we are able to wake up and see our loved ones and know that they love us as much as we love them. Think about all of the families that no longer have that pleasure since that devastating day.

And finally, before we close our eyes tonight, a few words would be appropriate. Words that start with…

"Our Father, who art in Heaven…

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Honey, where did you put the blackface makeup?

Okay, so am I the only one who knows for a fact that President Obama is an African American and has been since his birth?

I just need to have this cleared up since I have been reading a number of articles in the news lately indicating the fact that certain African American politicians feel put upon by the great white horde.

Apparently, according to Governor Patterson of the great state of New York, the only reason he is having trouble politically is the fact that he is a black man and, according to him, “white people get nervous with too many minorities in power”

And just the other day, Rep. Charley (I hope you don’t mind me calling you Charley, Charley) Rangel, also from that fine state of New York stated that "bias and prejudice toward Obama are fueling opposition to health-care reform”.

How about that? Hmm!

You know, this is terrible of me to say this, but I think the reason these two “gentlemen” feel the way they do is because they are complete idiots!

Governor Patterson, here is a clue. You are a moron. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin. It has to do with the fact that you have not accomplished a damn thing since you had the governorship handed to you on a silver platter by your idiotic, whoring predecessor.

Oh yeah, I’m sorry, I forgot. You managed to state, in your first week in office, that you have had an affair and that you do not have a problem admitting that you were a drug user in the past. Hey bonehead! Next time you may want to keep that under wraps, okay?

And Charley, you don’t mind if I call you Charley do you? The reason why most people are attacking Obama’s proposed health plan has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It has to do with the fact that it isn’t worth a fat shit to anyone who currently has, and appreciates, their current coverage.

If white people were so bias towards Obama, how the hell did he win the election? Aren’t there white people in the Democratic Party? Or have all the white people become Republicans, Charley?

Gee, I guess that’s it. Those damn sneaky white folk. You can never tell where they’re going to turn up.

Hey, wait a minute. Maybe all the white people can get together and vote these two assholes out. Oh my! Did I use the “asshole” word? I hear that’s okay now because it was used by our new African American “Green Czar”.

I am not even going to start on that one. See you next time, folks.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Honey, Am I Supposed To Tell Them Everything?

Hello everyone. Yes, I am back!!

It has been a rather eventful summer due to my inability to find employment. Gee! Thanks Barack for stopping any and all forward movement in the healthcare arena. I would also like to thank each and every one of you that voted for our current administration. JOB WELL DONE, FOLKS!!

Anyway, I have been remiss in keeping everyone up to date on how we are doing. So, let’s consider this an early Christmas Update Letter. You know, those irritating letters from people every year around Christmas, informing you how they and their family have been doing over the past year. Yup. You know who you are folks. Knock it off. They’re irritating and most people couldn’t give a fat crap if little Johnny just got new colored braces or little Becky got fitted for her first training bra, okay? Just stop it!!

I’m sorry. I just had one of those lapses my doctor had warned me about. Anyway, where do I start? Do I start by telling you about Lise and how she showed up at the Hospital in Florida on Easter Sunday with a huge fishing hook planted in the back of her head by yours truly? Nah! That’s a boring story or, at least it is for me?

How about our latest hospital adventure for Lise, where she got into my car, a few weeks ago, after a hard day at work, (at least she has a job) only to start talking to me like she had left her tongue in the office? I asked her if she had been drinking and her response was, “…I haf bin in du offish all day working my ash off and you shink I’ve bin dinkin?” Aside from sounding like Marlee Matlin (you know, the actress in Children of a Lesser God) I quickly realized that I should halt any further queries about alcohol. So, off to the hospital we went and had Lise treated for a new MS adventure. Three days later she was home, relaxing. No big deal!

Let’s see now; how about Nick who was informed by his roommate that he had to get rid of his cat, Karma. Not to sound overly dramatic, but that’s like telling John Hinckley that he can’t watch Jodie Foster movies anymore or telling Sirhan-Sirhan to stay away from the handgun displays at the JC Penny. So, you get my drift, right?

Anyway, Nick found a great place in Severna Park, his old stomping ground and less than 5 miles away from his brother in a beautiful, serene part of the Park called Linstead. His neighbors are wonderful and don’t have a clue what is about to happen. Drums are being set up and Nick found out that his upstairs neighbor is also a drummer, so they have decided to practice together. Oh what fun. Music in the Park. It’s going to sound like Mboto, the village elder, calling everyone together for dinner. Hey, maybe the village idiot may show up. I promise to keep you up to date on that one. Anyway, Sundays promise to be fun, what with football, parties, drunk Perunoviches and their friends; can’t wait.

Well, enough about us. Expect the blog to be updated weekly, purely because I have SFA (that stands for Sweet Fanny Apples) to do all day. Have a great week and remember everyone: Don’t start drinking before 10 AM. The program is working for me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Driving Under The Influence

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last month or so, you are probably quite concerned about what is happening in our world today. We have voted in a President who everyone is expecting walks on water and we continue to ask this man to be our political Messiah. Unfortunately, he is not. Not for lack of trying, though.

Therefore, I think we need a little humor in our lives right now and it should be at the expense of government, right? Okay, so I was reading the news today and came across some pretty funny stuff with regard to traffic laws around the country. I thought I would share them with you because my medical adventures are on hold at the moment and I need to stay in touch with everyone.

As a quick update, I am fine. The last scope showed no tumors and I am very happy. My Doc noticed some constrictions when he was sending the scope up “Mr. Not So Happy” and wants to find out what’s going on and has ordered a number of tests which, believe me, I will share with you when they happen. I am convinced the wife is now looking to upgrade the family’s soccer transport to a Porsche Cayenne but since I like my Doc, I shall refrain from disparaging remarks. Plus, I’ve seen a picture of the wife and, trust me; she’d look great in that Porsche.

Anyway, before my mind wanders off to Polish Hairstylists (as another vision pops in to my ADD addled brain. Thanks Lisa), let’s talk about Road Rules for Dummies.

In Denver, it’s illegal to drive a black car on Sunday. And to go one step further into the world of LSD, Minneapolis outlawed red cars on Lake Street.

Here are more unusual laws so that the next time an officer asks you, “Do you know why I pulled you over? You can actually look them in the eye and say, “Possibly”

Rural New Jersey requires drivers to honk the horn when passing another vehicle going in the same direction outside a business or residential district. However, watch it in Little Rock, Ark., where the law says “no person shall sound the horn on a vehicle at any place where cold drinks or sandwiches are served after 9 p.m.” Honking at sandwich shops is OK in University City, Mo. – so long as you honk in your own car. It’s illegal to honk someone else’s horn.

Topeka, Kansas has made it “unlawful for any person to suffer or permit any livestock owned or controlled by such person to run at large, or to drive any herd of cattle, horses, mules or hogs, or any flock of sheep, upon any street in the city.”

In Mount Vernon, Iowa, you’re not allowed to shoot arrows or throw bricks onto any street or highway without the City Council’s written consent.

In San Francisco, it’s illegal to wipe a vehicle with used underwear and to pile horse manure more than six feet high on any street corner. Thank God!

In Oregon and New Jersey, you cannot pump your own gas. Supposedly this practice keeps gasoline prices lower in those states, because insurance costs for gas stations go down if attendants instead of customers pump the gas – but, on the other hand, that attendant must be paid, whereas you pump for free. So the jury’s out on the reasons for this one.

In Palm Springs, California, it is forbidden to walk a camel down the main street, Palm Canyon Drive, between 4 and 6 p.m.

Hunting from moving vehicles is illegal in several states, including Connecticut and Tennessee, where only whale hunting by that method is allowed.

Thou shalt not sow a vegetable garden in any public street in Chico, Calif. The law, however, does not forbid flower gardens.

This is very important to remember: No matter how sleepy you get, you are not allowed to snooze in the middle of any street in Eureka, Calif. You are also not permitted to park yourself on a bench or chair in the middle of its road in Reno, Nevada.

And finally:

Yield to peacocks in Arcadia, Calif.
Don’t jump into a passing vehicle in Glendale, Calif.
Don’t change clothes in your car at the beach in Destin, Fla.
Don’t drive through playgrounds in Dublin, Ga.
It is illegal to ride a horse at night without taillights in Texarkana, Texas,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Honey! Where did you put the diapers

Hello everyone. I decided to start out the year with a slightly newer approach to my blogs. Basically, I will try to be more mature and professioonal with regard to both my opinions and comments and will try to discuss topics with a number of differing viewpoints in order to promote thoughtful discussion.

The election has taught me patience, tolerance and downright niceness. I am looking forward to the next four years bringing maturity to my way of thinking and viewing everytthing on a more serious note.

Therefore, I ask you to read the news article below and, if you wish, you may email me your thoughts and/or opinions. Please read it a couple of times, in the event that it may leave some doubt as to how you would respond.

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) - Wildlife officials said a rhesus monkey known to throw feces when mad is on the loose in Tampa Bay. Authorities have been trying to capture the primate since Tuesday afternoon, but it managed to evade a bucket truck and tranquilizer dart.

Gary Morse with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says the adult male is thought to have escaped from an unlicensed source. It was last seen in Clearwater.

The monkey is not considered dangerous.

Hey Gary. Here's a clue, buddy. The fact that this creature throws shit when he gets angry is enough for me to consider it "DANGEROUS", you moron.

Here's what I think they should do. Screw the bucket truck and the tranquilizer dart. Drive a .45 slug through the MF Primates head and see if it comes blowing out of its ass. I bet it won't be flinging any more shit at anyone!!!

Anyway, so, that's my opinion. I hope it was not considered to be too shocking and I hope you feel that I have given it some thought and did not overreact.

Thank you for your time

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Let's Call a "Time Out"

Over the past several weeks, I have found myself getting more and more irritated by what is about to happen in this country on November 4th. A very close relative of mine, whose opinion I appreciate, reminded me that for someone who is unable to vote in the US general election, I sure as hell had a lot to say about it. And I must admit, he is right.

My frustration is not so much with who will win or lose because I really don’t believe that it is a presidency that runs this country. I have always believed that the people run this country and I trust that the people will correctly choose who they need right now to lead them.

Would I prefer a Republican President over a Democratic President? Absolutely!
Will I be able to live happily under a Democratic President? You Betcha!!
Will I feel the pinch of higher taxes? Probably not, since you can’t lose what you don’t got!!

What I finally realized today was that there is so much going on in today’s world and we citizens and residents of this country are oblivious to it all. If it does not have the names of either Obama or McCain in the sentence, neither the press nor the public are spending too much time discussing it. We are being bombarded day and night by the press with election coverage that started over a year ago and has been relentless. We have stopped being horrified by headlines which should rattle our very core beliefs.

Obama is a Socialist…McCain is too old…Palin spent $150,000 on clothing…Biden
puts another foot in his mouth……..Who cares?

Here are some real important stories:

• SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea's military warned Tuesday it would attack South Korea and turn it into "debris"

• WASHINGTON (AP) - Two white supremacists allegedly plotted to go on a national killing spree, shooting and decapitating black people and ultimately targeting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, federal authorities said Monday

• CHICAGO (AP) – A 7 year old boy was found dead earlier Monday in the back of an SUV with a bullet through his head, ending a frantic search that began after the shooting deaths of Hudson's mother and brother three days earlier

• WAKE COUNTY NC (AP) - The husband of a jogger found dead near her North Carolina home was charged with her murder, capping an emotional, months-long investigation

• COLUMBIA, S.C. — A 14-year-old South Carolina boy faces two counts of murder in the deaths of his mother and unborn sister she was carrying, authorities said Monday.

And maybe this one says it all:

• LONDON, England - London's iconic red buses could soon be plastered with the slogan "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life," in an atheist advertising campaign responding to a set of Christian ads.